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Childcare Provider Site Ratings 2023-24
The Childcare Quality System helps childcare programs identify how they are already providing quality early learning and ways they can keep improving. See how Mono County & Alpine County sites rate on the quality scale.

Calificación de Proveedor de Cuidado de Niños de 2023-24
La Sistema para Mantener en Alta Calidad las Guarderías ayudan a los programas a identificar la forma en que ya están proporcionando un aprendizaje temprano de calidad y las formas en que pueden seguir mejorando. Vea cómo los sitios del Condado de Mono & Alpine califcan en la escala de calidad.
The goal of the Childcare Quality System is to increase the quality of childcare and support family engagement by building a skilled and stable workforce. The Childcare Quality System is open to all childcare sites without access to funding to support quality including licensed and family friend and neighbor caregivers in Mono and Alpine Counties serving children ages birth to five.
Through the Childcare Quality System and a one-on-one advisor, a center, family-based childcare provider, or family friend and neighbor caregiver completes the following annually:
- 21 hours professional development
- Create and begin implementing 4 Quality Improvement Plans
- Offer each child a developmental screening using the Ages and Stages Questionnaire
- Is part of a local support network
Mono Alpine Childcare Quality System Plan
If you are a childcare provider and would like to participate in the Childcare Quality System:
Federal and State Quality Rating Improvement System
Information about the federal and state Quality Rating Improvement System, can be found on the links below:
Becoming a Licensed Provider
This project also assists with becoming a licensed provider. The first step is to take the required online orientations found at the links below:
For more information, please contact:
Annaliesa Calhoun, Childcare Quality System Coordinator, email
PO Box 130
Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546
PH: 760-924-7626
FAX: 760-269-8529
To find a childcare provider
To find care with a childcare provider, please contact Mono County’s Resource and Referral agency, the Mono County Office of Education at 760-934-0031