Teeter Tots Begins 1/5/11

Teeter Tots
Classes start January 5, 2011
9:30-10:30 Mammoth Lakes Library
Teeter Tots is a no cost workshop that will teach parents of children 16 months—3 years old how fun and simple it is to promote the literacy development of their toddler. Join us for this hands-on, interactive workshop. Each class will include story time, snack, and early learning activities.
Call 760-924-7626 to register.
Teeter Tots is a bilingual class.   download flyer

Clases comienzan el 5 de enero, 2011
9:30-10:30 en el  Mammoth Biblioteca
Teeter Tots es una clase gratuita que les enseñará a padres con niños de 16 meses a 3 años maneras divertidas y sencillas para promover el desarrollo del pequeño.  Acompáñenos en este curso interactivo.  Cada clase tendrá un cuento, un bocadillo, y actividades para aprender a una edad temprana.
Llame al 760 924-7626 para registrarse.
Teeter Tots es un curso bilingue.   descargar folleto


New Home Visiting Program

Welcome Baby! is a free and personalized home visiting program for all pregnant women and babies ages 0-12 months and their families in Mono County. Visits can be at home or another location.

Welcome Baby! helps parents get the support and ideas they need during the first days and months of their child’s life. Parents who participate in the program feel more confident in their parenting, and informed about their baby’s development. More information….  

en Español…



New Peapod Playgroup Sessions

Connect with parents and children in your area.

For young children—and their parents—to play and socialize. Play mats, tunnels and tents give children a stimulating atmosphere to play with their peers, while parents get a much welcomed chance to chat  about the joys and challenges of parenting.

Join a Peapod Playroup in your area!

Walker: Wednesdays, 5:00pm
Walker Community Center, 116100 Hwy. 395
December 1–February 16 (except December 22 and 29)      download flyer

Lee Vining: Mondays, 11:00 am
Lee Vining Community Center, 296 Mattly Ave.
January 5–March 9      download flyer

Benton: Thursdays, 1:15pm
Ida Lynn Community Center, 58869 Hwy 120
December 2–February 11 (except December 23)   download flyer

Mammoth: Thursdays, 10:00am
Mammoth Community Center, 1000 Forest Trail Rd.
November 11–January 20 (except November 25)      download flyer
Spanish: Saturdays 9:30
Mammoth Lakes Library
400 Sierra Park Road
January 29-April 1    download flyer


Little Feet Class begins 8/25/10

Come boogie with your 2-5 year old, have fun, and learn skills to prepare your child for success in school!

Classes start Wednesday, August 25th and will be held weekly for 8 weeks.
Mammoth Lakes Library

Space is limited. To register for this FREE class call Molly at 760-924-7626.

Little feet is a bilingual class.

Download event flyer in English and Spanish


Provider Appreciation 5/7/10

Celebrate your teacher!
Early learning teachers and providers play an important role in helping provide children with a love of learning and the building blocks for success.

In honor of Provider Appreciation Day on May 7th, help your child fill out the following certificate to give to his or her Teacher/Caregiver. We will be choosing several testimonials to be displayed in your community. Download Certificate
