Peapod in Walker, Bridgeport, & Benton

For young children—and their parents—to play and socialize. Play mats, tunnels and tents give children a stimulating atmosphere to play with their peers, while parents get a much welcomed chance to chat about the joys and challenges of parenting.

Walker: Thursdays, 1:15pm, Walker Community Center, 442 Mule Deer Road, July 26 – September 27,
Chanden 530-208-6472, download flyer

Bridgeport: Thursdays, 10:00am Bridgeport Memorial Hall, 100 Sinclair Street September 27 – December 5 (except November 22)
Danielle 760-937-1126 download flyer

Benton: Thursdays, 2:00pm, Ida Lynn Community Center, 58869 Hwy. 120 August 30- November 15 (except September 27th & October 4th)
Amy 760-933-2420, download flyer

for a complete listing of Mono County Peapod Groups, click here

Los grupos representan una oportunidad de jugar y socializar para los niños pequeños y para sus padres. Los tapetes de juego, los túneles y las carpas crean una atmósfera estimulante para que los niños jueguen con sus compañeros, mientras a los padres les dan una oportunidad, muy bienvenida, para hablar con otros padres sobre las alegrías y los desafíos de la crianza de los hijos.

Walker: jueves, 1:15pm, Centro Comunitario Walker, 442 Mule Deer Road, el 26 de julio — el 27 de septiembre
Chanden 530-208-6472,  descargar el folleto

Bridgeport: jueves, 10:00am, Bridgeport Memorial Hall, 100 Sinclair Street, el 27 de septiembre — el 5 de deciembre (a excepción el 22 de noviembre) Danielle 760-937-1126 descargar el folleto

Benton: jueves, 2:00pm, Benton Centro Comunitario Ida Lynn, 58869 Hwy. 120, el 30 de augusto — el 15 de noviembre (a excepción el 27 de septiembre y el 4 de octobre)
Amy 760-933-2420 descargar el folleto

para obtener una lista completa de Mono County Peapod grupos, haga clic aquí


Tiny Toes Begins 9/5/12

Parents and Infants Learning Together

Join staff from Early Start and First 5 in the College Room at the Mammoth Lakes Library for this no-cost parent and infant (birth to 1 year old) workshop.
Pre-registration is required, call 760-924-7626 to register. Tiny Toes is a bilingual class.

download flyer in English and Spanish


Padres e Infantes Aprendiendo Juntos

Este curso gratuito enseñará padres (o proveedo-res de cuidados) de 0 a 1 año–o que todavía no ca-minan maneras divertidas y sencillas para promover el desarrollo del infante. Acompáñenos en este curso interactivo. Cada padre que atienda se llevará varias actividades.
Pre-registro es necesario, llame al 760-924-7626 para registrarse. Tiny Toes es una clase bilingüe.

volante caso de descarga en inglés y español



Summer Peapod Playgroups

Join a Peapod Playgroup! Connect with parents and children in your area. All Mono County expecting parents and families with children birth to six are invited to participate.

Play mats, tunnels and tents give children a stimulating atmosphere to play with their peers, while parents get a much welcomed chance to chat about the joys and challenges of parenting.

Walker: not yet scheduled, Walker Community Center, 442 Mule Deer Road
Chanden 530-208-6472,

Bridgeport: Wednesdays, 11:00am in the park behind Bridgeport Memorial Hall, 100 Sinclair Street
every other Wednesday, June 27 — August 8 (June 27, July 11 & 25, & August 8 )
every Wednesday, August 22 — September 26,  Danielle 760-937-1126 download flyer

Benton: not yet schedculed, Ida Lynn Community Center, 58869 Hwy. 120 Amy 760-933-2420

Mammoth: Thursdays, 10:00am Mammoth Community Center, 1000 Forest Trail Rd.
every other Thursday, July 12 – August 9 (July 12 & 26, & August 9)
every Thursday, August 23 – August 4, Jennifer 760-914-0810 and Melissa 760-709-6513 download flyer

Mammoth Spanish: Tuesdays, 11:30am Mammoth Community Center, 1000 Forest Trail Rd.
July 10 – September 18 (except July 24), Lara 760-914-2556 and Elvira 760-914-0447 download flyer

Crowley Lake: Saturdays, 11:00am Crowley Community Center, 58 Pearson Rd.
July 21 – September 29 (except August 18)
Locations, alternating every other week:
Crowley Lake Community Center, 58 Pearson Road.: July 21, August 4, & September 1,15,22, & 29
Crowley Lake Park, by the library: 3627 Crowley Lake Dr. July 28, Aug. 11 & 25, & September 8, Kim 760-709-0220 download flyer

download all sessions flyer


LeeVining Preschool Application

Lee Vining Preschool needs 3 and 4 year olds! To keep the preschool in Lee Vining running next year, applications must be received by June 15th.

Inyo Mono Advocates for Community Action (IMACA) has received so few applications for preschool in Lee Vining next year that they are evaluating potential changes, including the possibility of closing.  Any child  who will turn 3 by November 1, 2012 and is not yet old enough for Kindergarten is eligible to attend. Please apply if your child is eligible, or pass this information along to other families with an eligible child. Return completed applications as soon as possible to: Lee Vining Preschool, 296 Mattly Ave.; via email to: ; or in Mammoth at the Community Connections for Children office, 625 Old Mammoth Road.

download application


Lee Vining en edad preescolar las necesidades de 3 y 4 años! Para mantener el preescolar en Lee Vining correr el próximo año, las solicitudes deben ser recibidas antes del 15 de junio.

Los defensores de Inyo Mono de Acción Comunitaria (IMACA) ha recibido tan pocas solicitudes para preescolar en Lee Vining el próximo año que se están evaluando los posibles cambios, incluida la posibilidad del cierre. Cualquier niño que va a cumplir 3 años el 1 de noviembre de 2012 y aún no es lo suficientemente mayor para el Kindergarten, es elegible para asistir. Por favor, se aplican si su hijo es elegible, o pasar esta información a otras familias con un niño elegible. Volver solicitudes completas tan pronto como sea posible. Lee Vining Preescolar, 296 Mattly Ave., a través de correo electrónico a:, o en Mammoth de las conexiones de la Comunidad para la oficina de la Infancia, 625 Old Mammoth Road.
 descargar la aplicación



Seeking Peapod Program Leaders

First 5 Mono County is seeking  Peapod Program Leaders to establish, develop, facilitate, and implement a parent/child playgroup  in accordance with the goals and objectives of the Peapod Program.

The Peapod Program offers children aged 0-6 and their parents a playgroup led by an experienced Program Leader who provides parenting support, referrals, and education.  Program Leaders should have experience in early childhood development, group facilitation skills involving parents and young children, Spanish speaking skills (desired), possession of or the ability to obtain Red Cross CPR, and Standard First Aid, certificates.  Duties are performed part-time, on an independent contractor basis. Pay is $18.00 to $22.00 per hour with no benefits. Hours will vary, up to a maximum of 220 hours per fiscal year.  To obtain the full Request for Application, call First 5 Mono County 760/ 924-7626 or download Request for Applications (RFA)

Applications due by 5:00 pm PST on June 13, 2012.




Childbirth Preparation Course

Childbirth preparation program for parents interested in gaining the tools necessary for a safe, comfortable  labor and birth experience.  Instructors include:  obstetrician, pediatrician, anesthesiologist,  and lactation educator-counselors.

Wednesdays: May 23 – June 13, 2012
Tuesday: June 19, 2012
 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Mammoth Hospital, Conference Rooms A & B

download brochure and registration form


Challenging the Status Quo Seminar

Personal Growth Seminar for Early Education Professionals and the Families they Serve.
Re-energize with Betsy Haas as she teaches you how to focus on what’s possible. Learn to find fulfillment in the work and life you already have by seeing things from a different perspective. Gain new insights into why what you do matters, and why YOU matter.

Staff Development Day
Friday, May 18, 2012

Family Appreciation Day
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Snowcreek Athletic Club
15 Club Drive, Mammoth

download event flyer


Desafiando la situación actual. Taller de Crecimiento Personal. Para profesionales de la educación de la primera infancia y las familias a las que prestan servicios.
Recargue su vids de energia con Betsy Haas, mientras ella le enseña cómo concentrarse en lo que es posible. Apreda sentirse realizado con el trabajo y con la vida que tiene, viendo las cosas desde una perspectiva distinta. Obtenga una nueva comprensión sobre los motivos por los cuáles importa lo que usted hace, y el por qué USED importa.

Dia de Capacitación del Personal
Viernes, 18 de mayo, 2012

Die de Reconocimiento a la Familia
Sábado, 19 de Mayo 2012

Snowcreek Athletic Club
15 Club Drive, Mammoth

descargar el flyer





Cooking Up Conversation Training

Rolling out the California Preschool Learning Foundations Language and Literacy Domain, with a focus on the listening and speaking strand.

Saturday, May 5, 2012
Mammoth Lakes Library

This training will include an overview of the Language and Literacy Domain, three big ideas in the Listening and Speaking strand, reaserch findings and teacher -friendly stategies for promoting oral language.

download event flyer

download registration form
