Babies on Parade 2012

Show off your bundle of joy!

Let people know how proud you are of your new baby by participating in Babies on Parade! All entrants will be featured in a special photo suppliment to the Mammoth Times on Jan. 25, 2013.     download the entry form


Desfile de Bebés Luzca a su bebé!

¡Deje que la gente sepa cuán orgullosa está de su nuevo bebé inscribiéndolo en el Desfile de bebés! Todos los participantes serán presentados en un suplemento fotográfico especial que circulará en el Mammoth Times el 25 de enero, 2013.    descarga el formulario de inscripción



Parenting Partners

A new free Home Visiting Program for families in Mono County with children ages 1-5 years old.

Parenting Partners is a new home visiting program that serves families facing parenting challenges. Some examples of parenting challenges include:

      1) Family related: stress, challenges providing a safe and healthy environment.

     2) Issue-based: getting your child to sleep in a bed, toilet learning, discipline, biting or hitting.

     3) Special needs: parents or children with atypical deevelopment.

Parenting Partners parent educators use Parents as Teachers curriculum to share information about specific topics, typical child development, and encourage healthy age-appropriate motor, intellectual, and social-emotional development. Parent partners can also help you learn about and connect with local services for families.

To sign up, call First 5 Mono County at 760-924-7626.    download brochure in English and Spanish


Un nuevo Programa Visitas a Domicilio Gratuitas para familias en el Condado de Mono con niños de 1-5 años de edad.

Parenting Partners es un programa nuevo hogar visita que sirve a las familias que enfrentan desafíos para padres. Algunos ejemplos de los desafíos en la crianza de los niños incluyen:

1) Relacionados con la familia: estrés, complicaciones para proveer un ambiente seguro y saludable.

2) Basados en temas específicos: hacer que su niño se duerma en una cama, aprender dejar los pañales, disciplina, morder o golpear.

3) Necesidades especiales: padres o niños que tienen un desarrollo no típico

Los educadores de padres del programa Parenting Partners utilizan el plan de estudios de Padres como Maestros para entregar información sobre temas específicos, como el desarrollo infantil normal, así como para incentivar el desarrollo motor, intelectual y socio-emocional saludable y apropiado para la edad. El programa Parenting Partners puede ayudarle a aprender sobre los servicios locales para las familias y a conectarse con ellos.
Para inscribirse, llame a Primeros 5 del Condado de Mono en 760-924-7626.     descargar folleto en Inglés y Español




Infant/Toddler Learning and Development Program Guidelines




For Mono, Alpine and Inyo Early Education Providers,  

November 3, 2012 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

We are pleased to announce a full-day PITC (The Program for Infant and Toddler Care) training on Infant/Toddler Learning and Development Program Guidelines and Planning Effective Infant/Toddler Curriculum.

If you would like to attend, please complete the registration form on the flyer below and email or fax it to our office before the October 19th registration deadline.

Please share this information with anyone working with infants and toddlers.  We look forward to seeing you at this event!

Download Flyer




New Peapod Sessions

“We’re all in this together”

Join a Peapod Playgroup! Connect with parents and children in your area. All Mono County expecting parents and families with children birth to six are invited to participate. No enrollment necessary

Walker: Wednesdays 1:15pm, Walker Community Center, 442 Mule Deer Road
October 10 – December 12 (except November 21) download flyer
Chanden 530-208-6472,

Bridgeport: Thursdays, 10:00am Bridgeport Memorial Hall, 100 Sinclair Street
September 27 – December 5 (except November 22)
Danielle 760-937-1126 download flyer

Lee Vining: first Monday of the month, 11:00am Lee Vining Community Center, 296 Mattly Ave.
October 1 – April 1
Lara 760-914-2556 download flyer

Mammoth: Thursdays, 10:00am Mammoth Community Center, 1000 Forest Trail Rd.
October 18 – January 3 (except October 11, November 22, & December 27)
Jennifer 760-914-0810 and Melissa 760-709-6513 download flyer

Mammoth Spanish: Thursdays, 5:30-6:30pm Mammoth Community Center, 1000 Forest Trail Rd.
September 27 – December 6
Elvira 760-914-3995 download flyer

Crowley Lake: Saturdays, 11:00am see the following for locations & dates
October 6 – December 22 (except October 20 & November 3)
Crowley Lake Park, by the library: 3627 Crowley Lake Dr.: October 6 – 13
Crowley Lake Community Center, 58 Pearson Road.: October 27 – December 22
Kim 760-709-0220 download flyer

download all sessions flyer in English & Spanish


Five Feisty Fish Find

Alphabetics and Phonological Awareness

Saturday, October 13, 2012 9:30am-4:00pm Mammoth Lakes Library

Join us for some fishy fun! Learn about research-based developmentally appropriate practices that promote the alphabetic knowledge and phonological awareness needed for preschoolers to become proficient readers and writers. This presentation will help you make connections to the Preschool Learning Foundations, Curriculum Framework, and DRDP 2010

 download event flyer

download registration form


First 5 Commission membership recruitment

The First 5 Mono County Commission is seeking to fill a membership vacancy. Priority areas of the Commission include improving the health, development and school readiness of children ages 0 to 5.  


Candidates who fall within any of the following categories are encouraged to apply:  1) Recipients of First 5-funded services to families with young children, 2) Representatives from the following groups:  local child care resource or referral agencies or a local child care coordinating group;  local organizations for prevention or early intervention for families at risk; community-based organizations that have the goal of promoting early childhood development; and, local medical, pediatric, or obstetric associations or societies. If you are interested in being a part of the First 5 Mono County Commission, please send a letter of interest by 5:00 pm on October 12, 2012, to First 5 Mono County, PO Box 130, Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546.


For more information, click here to download the printable announcement and Commissioner Job Description, and/or call Kathy Peterson at the First 5 Office at 760/924-7626.


Parent Support Group

Wild Iris has a new support group called Parents Helping Parents which will cover topics like: single parenting, coping skills, life skills, child development, discipline, and parenting strategies.

Wednesdays 12-1 and 5:30-6:30
Wild Iris Family Councelling & Crisis center
625 Old Mammoth Raod Suite 201

download flyer for more information

Wild Iris cuenta con un nuevo grupo de apoyo llamado Padres Ayudando a Padres que cubrirán temas como: familias monoparentales, habilidades de afrontamiento, habilidades para la vida, desarrollo del niño, la disciplina y las estrategias de crianza de los hijos.

martes 12-1 y 5:30-6:30
Wild Iris Familia en consejo y centro de Crisis
625 Old Mammoth Raod Suite 201

descargar folleto para obtener más información


Childbirth Preparation Class

Childbirth preparation program for parents interested in gaining the tools necessary for a safe, comfortable  labor and birth experience.  Instructors include:  obstetrician, pediatrician, anesthesiologist,  and lactation educator-counselors.

September 26– October 24 Wednesdays 6:00pm – 8:00pm Mammoth Hospital, Conference Rooms A & B

download flyer

download brochure with registration form


Parto programa de preparación para los padres interesados ​​en adquirir las herramientas necesarias para un trabajo seguro, cómodo y experiencia del nacimiento. Los instructores son: educador, consejero obstetra, pediatra, anestesiólogo, y la lactancia.

Septiembre 26-octubre 24 miércoles 18:00-20:00 Mammoth Hospital, Sala de Conferencias A y B

conseguir un boletín

descargar el folleto con la ficha de inscripción
