4th of July Breastfeeding Brigade

The Mono County Breastfeeding Task Force Invites you to join the Mammoth Lakes 4th of July Parade.

for more information call Deanna at: 760-914-0060

download flyer


El Comité de Lactancia del Conado de Mono los invita a unirse con nosotros y desfilar el 4 de Julio de Mammoth Lakes.

para más información llame a Deanna: 760-914-0060

conseguir un boletín


Preschool Enrollment

IMACA is enrolling preschoolers. If you have a 3 or 4 year old in Mono County, call or stop by for more information or to sign up. 

Community Connections for Children – 760-934-3343
625 Old Mammoth Road, Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546


IMACA se inscribe preescolar. Si usted tiene un 3 ó 4 años de edad en el condado de Mono, llame o visite para obtener más información o para inscribirse.

Conexiones con la Comunidad para Niños – 760-934-3343
625 Old Mammoth Road, Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546



June Community Calendars

The Mono County Wellness Centers & the Mammoth Lakes Library want to share their activities with you.

For a calendar and description of this month’s  activities in Mammoth, click on the following links:
Sierra Wellness Center Calendar
Mammoth Lakes Library Calendar

For a calendar and description of this month’s activities in Walker, click on the following link:
Walker Wellness Center Calendar


El Centro de Salud Sierra de Mammoth y el Biblioteca de Mammoth Lakes quieres compartir sus actividades con usted.

Para un calendario y una descripción de las actividades del mes en Mammoth, haga clic en el siguiente enlace:
Sierra Wellness Center Calendar
Mammoth Lakes Library Calendar

Para un calendario y una descripción de las actividades del mes en Walker, haga clic en el siguiente enlace:
Walker Wellness Center Calendar


Seeking a Peapod Program Leader

First 5 Mono County is seeking  a Peapod Program Leader for Crowley Lake to facilitate and implement a parent/child playgroup  in accordance with the goals and objectives of the Peapod Program.

The Peapod Program offers children aged 0-6 and their parents a playgroup led by an experienced Program Leader who provides parenting support, referrals, and education.  Program Leaders should have experience in early childhood development, group facilitation skills involving parents and young children, Spanish speaking skills (desired), possession of–or the ability to obtain–Red Cross CPR and Standard First Aid, certificates.  Duties are performed part-time, on an independent contractor basis. Pay is $18.00 to $22.00 per hour with no benefits. Hours will vary, up to a maximum of 220 hours per fiscal year.  To obtain the full Request for Application, call First 5 Mono County 760/ 924-7626 or download Request for Applications (RFA)

Applications due by 5:00 pm PST on June 30, 2013.


Oodles of Art

Explore and learn how to develop children’s sensory awareness and expand their imagination at this free event. A variety of art activities and materials will be shared and demonstrated. 

Saturday, May 18
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Mammoth High School

download event flyer

Explorar y aprender a desarrollar la conciencia sensorial de los niños y ampliar su imaginación en este evento gratuito. Una variedad de actividades y materiales de arte se comparte y se demostró.

Sábado, el 18 de mayo
9:oo a.m.-12:00p.m.
Escuela Secundaria Mammoth

descargar el flyer


New Bridgeport Peapod Session

“We’re all in this together”

Join a Peapod Playgroup! Connect with parents and children in your area. All Mono County expecting parents and families with children birth to six are invited to participate.

Bridgeport:  Wednesdays 10:45-11:45
May 15 & 22, Senior Center, 123 Emigrant St.
June 5, 19, 26; July 10-31; and August 14, Bridgeport Park, 121 Emigrant St., Danielle 760-937-1126  download flyer


May Community Calendars

The Mono County Wellness Centers & the Mammoth Lakes Library want to share their activities with you.

For a calendar and description of this month’s  activities in Mammoth, click on the following links:
Sierra Wellness Center Calendar
Mammoth Lakes Library Calendar

For a calendar and description of this month’s activities in Walker, click on the following link:
Walker Wellness Center Calendar


El Centro de Salud Sierra de Mammoth y el Biblioteca de Mammoth Lakes quieres compartir sus actividades con usted.

Para un calendario y una descripción de las actividades del mes en Mammoth, haga clic en el siguiente enlace:
Sierra Wellness Center Calendar
Mammoth Lakes Library Calendar

Para un calendario y una descripción de las actividades del mes en Walker, haga clic en el siguiente enlace:
Walker Wellness Center Calendar


Notice of Public Hearing

First 5 Mono County Comission Public Hearing on the 2012-2013 Annual Budget

Thursday May 2, 2013
2:30 p.m.
451 Sierra Park Rd., Mammoth Lakes, CA

Members of the Public are invited to attend the Public Hearing. Public input is encouraged. Persons seeking further information can pick up a copy of the 2013-2014 Annual Budget at the First 5 office located at 365 Sierra Park Rd. Building M. Mammoth Lakes, CA  93546

Download Notice
