Strategic Planning Community Meeting

Join us for a Strategic Planning Community Meeting Tonight! First 5 Mono County is updating its Strategic Plan and we invite parents and community members to be a part of the process.

First 5 Mono is updating it’s strategic plan and wants your input. We hope to learn how our programs have impacted you and your community to formulate what lessons we’ve learned since the 2009 revision, and what community needs have remained unmet for Mono County children prenatal to 5 and their families. Please attend the community meeting tonight if you can. We are eager to learn what you have to say about the impact of our existing programs and your suggestions for potential future investments. If you have input, but can not make either of the following meetings, please submit you comments in writing to Molly at: by December 4, 2013. The list of upcoming opportunities for public input are as follows:

Community Meeting:
Mammoth Lakes Library, Ellie Randol Room
Wednesday, November 13th, 2013
5:15 pm.

Public Hearing at the Commission Meeting:
Mono County Office of Education Conference Room
Thursday, December 19th, 2013
2:30-4:30 pm.

New Crowley Lake Peapod Session

Join the new Crowley Lake Peapod Playgroup! Connect with parents and children in your area. All Mono County expecting parents and families with children birth to six are invited to participate.

Fridays, 10-11am
November 15 – January 24 (except December 27)
Crowley Lake Community Center, 458 South Landing Road

download the flyer


Únase el nuevo Grupo en Crowley Lake de Juego Peapod! Conéctate con padres y niños en su área. Todo el Condado de Mono esperar que los padres y las familias con niños de cero a seis están invitados a participar.

los viernes, 10-11am
El Centro de Comunidad en Crowley Lake, 458 South Landing Road
el 15 de noviembre hasta el 24 de enero
(excepto el 27 de diciembre)

descargar el folleto


November Community Calendars

The Mono County Wellness Centers & the Mammoth Lakes Library want to share their activities with you.

For a calendar and description of this month’s  activities in Mammoth, click on the following links:
Sierra Wellness Center Calendar

For a calendar and description of this month’s activities in Walker, click on the following link:
Walker Wellness Center Calendar

For a calendar and description of this month’s activities at the Mammoth Lakes Library, click on the following link:
Mammoth Lakes Library

For a county-wide library calendar click the following link:
Mono County Library Calendar

El Centro de Salud Sierra de Mammoth y la Biblioteca de Mammoth Lakes quieren compartir sus actividades con usted.

Para un calendario y una descripción de las actividades del mes en Mammoth, haga clic en el siguiente enlace:
Sierra Wellness Center Calendar

Para un calendario y una descripción de las actividades del mes en Walker, haga clic en el siguiente enlace:
Walker Wellness Center Calendar

Para un calendario y una descripción de las actividades del mes en la Biblioteca de Mammoth Lakes, haga clic en el siguiente enlace:
Mammoth Lakes Library

Para un calendario de las bibliotecas en todo el condado clic en el siguiente enlace:
Mono County Library Calendar


New Walker Peapod Session

Join the new Walker Peapod Playgroup! Connect with parents and children in your area. All Mono County expecting parents and families with children birth to six are invited to participate.

Tuesdays, 12:30-1:30pm
November 12 – December 17 and January 7 – 28
Antelope Wellness Center, 107655 Hwy. 395

download the flyer


Únase el nuevo Grupo en Walker de Juego Peapod! Conéctate con padres y niños en su área. Todo el Condado de Mono esperar que los padres y las familias con niños de cero a seis están invitados a participar.

los martes, 12:30-1:30pm
Antelope Wellness Center, 107655 Hwy. 395
el 12 de noviembre hasta el 17 de diciembre
y el 7 hasta el 28 de enero

descargar el folleto


Strategic Planning

Join us! First 5 Mono County is updating its Strategic Plan and we invite parents and community members to be a part of the process.

First 5 Mono is updating it’s strategic plan and wants your input. We hope to learn how our programs have impacted you and your community to formulate what lessons we’ve learned since the 2009 revision, and what community needs have remained unmet for Mono County children prenatal to 5 and their families. Please click below to download the Draft Strategic Plan 2014-2019 and evaluation data from FY 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 to help formulate suggestions for our revision process. We will hold 2 public
hearings, a community meeting, and 7 focus groups to help engage the community in this process.I am eager to learn what you have to say about the impact of our existing programs and your suggestions for potential future investments.If you have input, but can not make any of the meetings, please submit you comments in writing to me  at by December 4, 2013. The list opportunities for public input are as follows:
Public Comment at Commission Meetings:
Bridgeport Mono County Office of Education Conference Room
this Thursday, October 24th, 2013
2:30-4:30 pm.

Mammoth Mono County Office of Education Conference Room
Thursday, December 19th, 2013
2:30-4:30 pm.

Community Meeting:
Mammoth Lakes Library, Ellie Randol Room
Wednesday, November 13th, 2013
5:15 pm.

Focus Groups:
At county-wide Peapod Playgroups. Contact your local Peapod
Leader for the date. Contact information for each leader is available
on our website at:

Draft Strategic Plan 2014-2019

2009-10 Evaluation Presentation









October Community Calendars

The Mono County Wellness Centers & the Mammoth Lakes Library want to share their activities with you.

For a calendar and description of this month’s  activities in Mammoth, click on the following links:
Sierra Wellness Center Calendar

For a calendar and description of this month’s activities in Walker, click on the following link:
Walker Wellness Center Calendar

For a calendar and description of this month’s activities at the Mammoth Lakes Library, click on the following link:
Mammoth Lakes Library

For a county-wide library calendar click the following link:
Mono County Library Calendar

El Centro de Salud Sierra de Mammoth y la Biblioteca de Mammoth Lakes quieren compartir sus actividades con usted.

Para un calendario y una descripción de las actividades del mes en Mammoth, haga clic en el siguiente enlace:
Sierra Wellness Center Calendar

Para un calendario y una descripción de las actividades del mes en Walker, haga clic en el siguiente enlace:
Walker Wellness Center Calendar

Para un calendario y una descripción de las actividades del mes en la Biblioteca de Mammoth Lakes, haga clic en el siguiente enlace:
Mammoth Lakes Library

Para un calendario de las bibliotecas en todo el condado clic en el siguiente enlace:
Mono County Library Calendar


New June Lake/Lee Vining Peapod Session

Join the new June Lake/Lee Vining Peapod Playgroup! Connect with parents and children in your area. All Mono County expecting parents and families with children birth to six are invited to participate.

Mondays, 10:30-11:30 am

June Lake: September 30 – October 28
June Lake Community Center
90 W. Granite Ave.

Lee Vining: November 18 – December 16
Lee Vining Community Center
296 Mattly Ave.

Jora 360-259-4275  download flyer


Breastpumps and Insurance

The Affordable Care Act includes provisions for most insurance providers to provide breast pumps. See the following links to for more information.


Breastfeeding benefits associated with the new healthcare act

Womens’ preventative services guidelines associated with the new healthcare act

A medical supplier’s breast pump Q &A

A breast pump manufacturer’s information about insurance coverage

Another breast pump manufacturer’s information about insurance coverage




Mammoth Peapod Winter Enrollment

Enroll for the Winter Session of Mammoth Lakes Peapod Playgroup.

Peapod Playgroups offer a chance for young children—and their parents—to play and socialize. Play mats, tunnels and tents give children a stimulating atmosphere to play with their peers, while parents get a much welcomed chance to chat with other parents about the joys and challenges of parenting.  All Mono County families with children birth to kindergarten entry are eligible to enroll.

If you are interested in signing up for the 10 week Winter Session of the Mammoth Lakes Peapod Playgroup, please follow the directions on the enrollment form.
If you have any questions, please call the First 5 Office at: 760-924-7626.

download enrollment form


New Mammoth Spanish Peapod Session

Únase el nuevo Grupo en Mammoth en español de Juego Peapod! Conéctate con padres y niños en su área. Todo el Condado de Mono esperar que los padres y las familias con niños de cero a seis están invitados a participar.

cada jueves 5:30-6:30 de la tarde
el 26 de septiembre hasta el 2 de enero
(excepto el 24 y 31 de octubre, el 7 y 14 de noviembre, y el 26 de diciembre)
La Sala de la Universidad, Biblioteca de Mammoth Lakes, 400 Sierra Park Rd.

descargar el folleto

Join the new Mammoth Spanish Peapod Playgroup! Connect with parents and children in your area. All Mono County expecting parents and families with children birth to six are invited to participate.

Thursdays 5:30-6:30 pm
September 26 – January 2
(except October 24 & 31, November 7 & 14, and December 26)
College Room, Mammoth Lakes Library, 400 Sierra Park Road

download the flyer
