New Mammoth Spanish Peapod Session

Únase el nuevo Grupo en Mammoth en español de Juego Peapod! Conéctate con padres y niños en su área. Todo el Condado de Mono esperar que los padres y las familias con niños de cero a seis están invitados a participar.

cada jueves 5:30-6:30 de la tarde
el 16 de enero hasta el 27 de marzo
(excepto el 30 de enero)
La Sala de la Universidad, Biblioteca de Mammoth Lakes, 400 Sierra Park Rd.

descargar el folleto

Join the new Mammoth Spanish Peapod Playgroup! Connect with parents and children in your area. All Mono County expecting parents and families with children birth to six are invited to participate.

Thursdays 5:30-6:30 pm
January 16 – March 27
(except January 30)
College Room, Mammoth Lakes Library, 400 Sierra Park Road

download the flyer


Mammoth Lakes Peapod Spring 2014 Enrollment

Enroll for the Spring Session of the Mammoth Lakes Peapod Playgroup.

Mammoth Lakes Peapod
Spring Session 2014, 10 week session beginning February 13
Sign up with Jennifer by 10:00am, February 3rd, 2014.
Signups accepted by phone or email. Provide parent’s name, child’s name, phone number, and email.
Jennifer Maciaszek 760-709-6547

You will receive a sign-up confirmation by email or phone message by 10:00 am on Feb 4th.
Enrollment will be limited to 15 families. If you are not selected in the enrollment lottery for the 10 week Spring Session, your enrollment will be added to the list for the 10 week Summer Session.
Families enrolled for the Spring Session will be contacted by email by Thursday, February 6th.


Peapod Playgroups offer a chance for young children—and their parents—to play and socialize. Play mats, tunnels and tents give children a stimulating atmosphere to play with their peers, while parents get a much welcomed chance to chat with other parents about the joys and challenges of parenting.  All Mono County families with children birth to kindergarten entry are eligible to enroll.


Babies on Parade 2013, Deadline Extended!

Show off your bundle of joy!

Let people know how proud you are of your new baby by participating in Babies on Parade! All entrants will be featured in a special photo supplement to the Mammoth Times on Jan. 30, 2014.     download the entry form


Desfile de Bebés Luzca a su bebé!

¡Deje que la gente sepa cuán orgullosa está de su nuevo bebé inscribiéndolo en el Desfile de bebés! Todos los participantes serán presentados en un suplemento fotográfico especial que circulará en el Mammoth Times el 30 de enero, 2014.    descarga el formulario de inscripción


January Community Calendars

The Mono County Wellness Centers & the Mammoth Lakes Library want to share their activities with you.

For a calendar and description of this month’s  activities in Mammoth, click on the following links:
Sierra Wellness Center Calendar

For a calendar and description of this month’s activities in Walker, click on the following link:
Walker Wellness Center Calendar

For a calendar and description of this month’s activities at the Mammoth Lakes Library, click on the following link:
Mammoth Lakes Library

For a county-wide library calendar click the following link:
Mono County Library Calendar

El Centro de Salud Sierra de Mammoth y la Biblioteca de Mammoth Lakes quieren compartir sus actividades con usted.

Para un calendario y una descripción de las actividades del mes en Mammoth, haga clic en el siguiente enlace:
Sierra Wellness Center Calendar

Para un calendario y una descripción de las actividades del mes en Walker, haga clic en el siguiente enlace:
Walker Wellness Center Calendar

Para un calendario y una descripción de las actividades del mes en la Biblioteca de Mammoth Lakes, haga clic en el siguiente enlace:
Mammoth Lakes Library

Para un calendario de las bibliotecas en todo el condado clic en el siguiente enlace:
Mono County Library Calendar


Babies on Parade 2013, Deadline Extended!

Show off your bundle of joy!

Let people know how proud you are of your new baby by participating in Babies on Parade! All entrants will be featured in a special photo suppliment to the Mammoth Times on Jan. 30, 2014.     download the entry form


Desfile de Bebés Luzca a su bebé!

¡Deje que la gente sepa cuán orgullosa está de su nuevo bebé inscribiéndolo en el Desfile de bebés! Todos los participantes serán presentados en un suplemento fotográfico especial que circulará en el Mammoth Times el 30 de enero, 2014.    descarga el formulario de inscripción


Holiday Safety

Happy Holidays Mono County Families

With the holidays come some special challenges for families. The following resources may help make yours an enjoyable season.

Holiday Stress Prevention

Getting Through the Holidays Loss of a Loved One

Hanukka Safety

Decorating Safety

Guide to Child Safe Gifts

Holiday Cooking Safety

Holiday Shopping Safety

Holiday Gifts, Boundaries, Validating Children





December Community Calendars

The Mono County Wellness Centers & the Mammoth Lakes Library want to share their activities with you.

For a calendar and description of this month’s  activities in Mammoth, click on the following links:
Sierra Wellness Center Calendar

For a calendar and description of this month’s activities in Walker, click on the following link:
Walker Wellness Center Calendar

For a calendar and description of this month’s activities at the Mammoth Lakes Library, click on the following link:
Mammoth Lakes Library

For a county-wide library calendar click the following link:
Mono County Library Calendar

El Centro de Salud Sierra de Mammoth y la Biblioteca de Mammoth Lakes quieren compartir sus actividades con usted.

Para un calendario y una descripción de las actividades del mes en Mammoth, haga clic en el siguiente enlace:
Sierra Wellness Center Calendar

Para un calendario y una descripción de las actividades del mes en Walker, haga clic en el siguiente enlace:
Walker Wellness Center Calendar

Para un calendario y una descripción de las actividades del mes en la Biblioteca de Mammoth Lakes, haga clic en el siguiente enlace:
Mammoth Lakes Library

Para un calendario de las bibliotecas en todo el condado clic en el siguiente enlace:
Mono County Library Calendar


Thanksgiving Dinner

The Sierra Event Center will offer 100 Thanksgiving Dinners to those in need.

Wednesday, November 27th, 2013
Sierra Event Center (next to Shogun, 452 Old Mammoth Rd.)
4:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.

El Centro de Eventos Sierra ofrecerá 100 cenas de Acción de Gracias a los necesitados.

Miércoles, el 27 de noviembre 2013
Sierra Event Center (junto al Shogun, 452 Old Mammoth Rd.)
4:00 p.m.-6: 00 p.m.

