New Antelope Valley Peapod Session

Join the new Antelope Valley Peapod Playgroup! Connect with parents and children in your area. All Mono County expecting parents and families with children birth to six are invited to participate.
Wednesdays, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.
November 11 – January 27
Antelope Wellness Center, 107655 Hwy. 395)
download the flyer

Únase el nuevo Grupo en Walker de Juego Peapod! Conéctate con padres y niños en su área. Todo el Condado de Mono esperar que los padres y las familias con niños de cero a seis están invitados a participar.
Los miércoles, 3:30 – 4:30 por la tarde
El 11 de noviembre hasta el 27 de enero
El Centro de Salud en Walker, 107655 Hwy. 395
descargar el folleto


June Community Calendars

The Mono County Wellness Centers & the Mammoth Lakes Library want to share their activities with you.

For a calendar and description of this month’s activities in Mammoth, click on the following link:
Sierra Wellness Center Calendar

For a calendar of this month’s activities at the Mammoth Lakes Library, click on the following link:
Mammoth Library Calendar

El Centro de Salud Sierra de Mammoth y la Biblioteca de Mammoth Lakes quieren compartir sus actividades con usted.

Para un calendario y una descripción de las actividades del mes en Mammoth, haga clic en el siguiente enlace:
Sierra Wellness Center Calendar

Para un calendario de las actividades del mes a la biblioteca en Mammoth Lakes, haga clic en el siguiente enlace:
Mammoth Library Calendar


Mammoth Lakes Health & Safety Fair

You’re invited to a Health & Safety Fair in Mammoth Lakes!
Saturday, June 20, 2015
10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Shady Rest Park, Sawmill Cutoff Road
download the flyer

¡Estás invitado a La Feria de Salud y Seguridad en Mammoth Lakes!
el sabado, el 20 de junio
el 10 de la mañana hasta el 1 de la tarde
El Parque Shady Rest, Calle Sawmill Cutoff
descargar el folleto


New Mammoth English Peapod Session

Join the new Mammoth Lakes Peapod Playgroup! Connect with parents and children in your area. All Mono County expecting parents and families with children birth to six are invited to participate.
Thursdays, 10 – 11 a.m.
June 18 – August 27
Mammoth Creek Park, Old Mammoth Rd. (weather permitting)
download the flyer

Únase el nuevo Grupo en Mammoth Lakes de Juego Peapod! Conéctate con padres y niños en su área. Todo el Condado de Mono esperar que los padres y las familias con niños de cero a seis están invitados a participar.
Los jueves, 10 – 11 por la mañana
El 18 de junio hasta el 27 de agosto
El Parque de Arroyo Mammoth, Calle Old Mammoth (el tiempo lo permite)
descargar el folleto


Mono-Gram Public Health Update

Reposted from the Mono County Public Health Department:

‘Tis The Season for Hantavirus

Although mice carry the hantavirus all year, this is the start of the season when humans typically begin activities that put them at risk of being exposed to the hantavirus. Spring cleaning activities, such as opening up closed buildings that have been unused overwinter, often provide habitats for deer mice and become sites for human exposure to the hantavirus. Although hantavirus infections are relatively rare, it is not unusual for us to have several cases per year in the Eastern Sierra. The risk of death is significant. Individuals cleaning areas where the mice may be present are well advised to heed the recommendations below in order to avoid exposure.

Hantavirus is carried by certain species of rats and mice, and especially the deer mouse, pictured above. Infected rodents shed the virus in their urine, droppings, and saliva. The virus can be transmitted to people when infected mouse urine, saliva, droppings, or nesting materials are stirred
up, temporarily aerosolizing the virus, which can be breathed in by humans.

We recommend the following precautions:

  • seal openings that may allow mice to enter homes and workplaces;
  • remove brush, woodpiles, trash, and other items that may attract mice;
  • tightly close garbage cans, pet food containers, and other food sources;
  • wear protective gloves to handle dead mice or to clean up nesting areas, urine, or droppings;
  • before cleaning up nests or droppings found inside, open windows and doors to ventilate the area for at least 30 minutes;
  • do not stir up nests by sweeping or vacuuming. Dampen areas before clean-up;
  • use a disinfectant or 1-to-10 bleach-water mixture to clean up dead rodents, nests, urine, and droppings.

Early symptoms of hantavirus infection include fatigue, fever, and muscle aches. These symptoms may be accompanied by headaches, dizziness, chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Later symptoms include coughing and shortness of breath. If hantavirus is suspected, people should contact their health care provider immediately. Remember, infections with hantavirus may feel like the “flu”; however, it is no longer flu season!

For more information, including a map of surveillance activities, go to:…
