Love & Logic Early Childhood Parenting Program in Spanish – Starting January 2025

Haga clic aquí para ver el folleto/Click here to view the brochure
Para registrarse o hacer preguntas, comuníquese con Lara Walker en o al 760-914-2556
To register or ask questions, contact Lara Walker at or 760-914-2556


Hiring Peapod Leaders in Mammoth and North County

First 5 Mono has two separate positions:

The Peapod Program’s focus is the development of playgroups for Mono County parents to enhance the health, social, & emotional development of children ages 0-5 and support the mental health and stability of young parents.  The program also provides a safe and secure setting for parents to discuss mental health issues and issues facing new parents to increase the knowledge and confidence of new parents and provides a forum to encourage new parents to gain a stronger tie to their community.
