News & Events

“What Would You Invest In?” Strategic Planning Focus Group – September 6th, 2024

Provide feedback online with our survey:  English  Spanish

Polls will close Sept 1st, 2024

In Person Focus Group:

Written in Investment Cards are available upon request (email Molly at

Envíe sus comentarios en línea con nuestra encuesta:  Español  Inglés

Las urnas cerrarán el 1 de septiembre de 2024

Grupo focales en persona:

Las tarjetas de inversión escritas están disponibles previa solicitud (envíe un correo electrónico a Molly a


CANCELLED* Walker Peapod Playgroup

Due to low attendance, we have cancelled the remaining Walker Peapod Playgroup sessions that were scheduled to run until August 6th. We are dedicated to improving attendance in the future to provide a complete session experience.

Please check out our calendar for upcoming Peapod Playgroups in your area. We look forward to seeing you there!
