News & Events

June Community Calendars

Please click the links below for Community Calendars and fun educational activities for the whole family.

Books by the Bushel Activity Calendar

Mammoth Library Calendar

Sierra Wellness Center Calendar

Por favor, haga clic en los enlaces de abajo para Calendarios de la Comunidad y actividades educativas divertidas para toda la familia.

Calendario de Actividades de Books by the Bushel (inglés)

Calendario de la Biblioteca de Mammoth (inglés)

Calendario del Centro de Salud Sierra de Mammoth (inglés)


Child Development TIPSbyTEXT

Sign up for Child Development Tips by Text 

A free text messaging program by Stanford Graduate School of Education, you can receive 3 texts a week with helpful information and fun activities to help support your child’s development.

Sign up now or see flyer.

Registrese para el Mensajes de Texto de desarrollo de los niños

Programa gratuito de mensajes de texto de Stanford Graduate School of Education, recibir 3 textos/semana con información útil y actividades divertidas para ayudar a apoyar el desarrollo de los niños.

Regístratedescargar el folleto.


Mammoth & Crowley Peapod

Join a Peapod Playgroup! Connect with parents and children in your area. All Mono County expecting parents and families with children ages 0-5 are invited to participate.

Crowley Lake Peapod
Fridays, 10:30-11:30 am
May 18 – June 29
Crowley Lake Park
see flyer

Mammoth Peapod (English)
Thursdays, 10:00 – 11:00 am
May 10 – June 28 (except May 31)
Shady Rest Park, Sawmill Cutoff Rd
see flyer

Únase el Grupo de Juego Peapod! Conéctate con padres y niños en su área. Todo el Condado de Mono esperar que los padres y las familias con niños 0-5 están invitados a participar.

Crowley Lake Peapod
Viernes, 10:30-11:30 am
el 18 de mayo – el 29 de junio
El Parque de Crowley Lake
descargar el folleto

Mammoth Peapod (Inglés)
Jueves, 10:00 – 11:00 am
el 10 de mayo – el 28 de junio (excepto el 31 de mayo)
El Parque de Shady Rest, Sawmill Cutoff Rd
descargar el folleto


Mammoth Health & Safety Fair

Free Community Health & Safety Fair

Community resources and information, free lunch, activities for kids, car seat installation training, bike rodeo, free children’s bike helmets, children’s books, face painting, and much more!

Mammoth Lakes Health & Safety Fair
Saturday, June 9, 10 am – 1 pm
Shady Rest Park, Mammoth Lakes
Organized by First 5

Gratis Ferias sobre Salud y Seguridad de la Comunidad

Recursos y información en la comunidad, almuerzo gratis, actividades para niños, revisiones de instalación de asiento de coche, rodeo de bicicletas, cascos de seguridad para bicicletas,  libros infantiles, pinta caritas, y mucho más!

Feria Sobre Salud y Seguridad en Mammoth Lakes
Sábado, el 9 de junio, 10 am – 1 pm
Shady Rest Park, Mammoth Lakes
Organizado por First 5


Free Parenting Class with MCOE

Mono County Office of Education is offering a free parenting class….

Parenting the Love and Logic Way™
Wednesdays, 5:30-7:30 pm
May 2 – May 30, 2018
Mono County Office of Education, Jan Work Classroom, 451 Sierra Park Rd, Mammoth Lakes

For more information and Registration, contact MCOE: (760) 934-0031,, or

See flyer. Taught in English only.



Wildfire Preparedness Day

Join the Mammoth Lakes Fire Safe Council for a Wildfire Community Preparedness Day!

Preparedness Day is a call to action that gives people of all ages a chance to plan and participate in a risk reduction or wildfire preparedness activity that makes their community a safer place to live.

Saturday, May 5
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Main Street Fire Station in Mammoth

• Prescribed Burns and Defensible Space
• Challenges with Insurance before and after a Wildfire.
• How to design an evacuation plan for your family at home and how to evacuate the town.
• Survivor stories from local wildfires
• An opportunity for the whole family to inspect the fire trucks, honk the horns and see the equipment needed to fight a wildfire.
• Breakfast sponsored by the Mammoth Mountain Ski Area

See flyer


Cafe Mom Breastfeeding Group

Join First 5’s Debbie Riffel for Cafe Mom Breastfeeding Support Group!

Breastfeeding? Hoping to? Cafe Mom Breastfeeding Support Group can assist with your questions or difficulties and connect you with other breastfeeding moms in the community. Mothers who are pregnant, currently breastfeeding, or interested in breastfeeding are welcome.

First Tuesday of the month
10:00 – 11:00 am
May 1
June 5
July 3
In the Adult Education Classroom at Mammoth Library

Questions? Debbie 760-914-1431 (First 5 Home Visitor and Certified Lactation Educator Counselor)

See flyer

If the group is well attended, we hope to schedule more!
